There is no one answer to this question:  What am I doing?  At one level, I”m typing!  I’m communicating.  I’m exploring consciousness.  For anyone who knows me you might be asking, “what are you doing with this website”?  Again, there are many answers.

I’m planning on moving further away from social media.  I had been off of facebook and instagram for months.  I recently came back to IG to let some people know where to find me.  I’ll delete that account in a couple of weeks.  I made an attempt to start a facebook page to reach out to others, but their security system took my newly built page and quarantined it to do a proper search (and seizure) and then rejected it.  Perhaps they think I’m radicalized against social media. (I’m not, it’s just not for me… anymore… for now…).

While my photographic tastes and identity are forming and changing I’m also planning on what to do with my output.  While digital images are nice, my heart is in prints.  I’ll make a print for no other reason than to see it and hold it and wonder what I’d change the next time I print it.  I’m getting older and perhaps I’m becoming more “old fashioned”.  I’m good with that.  There are some self published books I’m working on and I’m learning about printing magazines.  I’m editing and collecting my work to submit for publishing.

You are what you eat.  I have eaten too much social media.  If it were truly food I’d have an eating disorder.  Much of what I’ve done in life has been an all or nothing proposition.  While limiting social media has worked to some extent I need to impose on myself tighter boundaries.  I don’t want to go completely old school and go back to cave drawing or hieroglyphics. (I can’t believe I just spelled that correctly without help) I want to go back to e mail. And a website.  Instead of likes and hearts I want words and connections.


About This Image:

Inside Lewis Hall at Mountain Lake Biological Station in Giles County, Virginia.  November, 2017

I currently have one 8X10 Platinum/Palladium print.  Send me an e mail if you would like it.